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金門代書 4.4.2
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金門律師代書聯合事務所於民國八十一年一月開始執業,至今己有十七年,自始一直秉持著專業、誠懇的態度服務顧客,本所有專業代書群,資深整批新建房屋登記專員,專辦房屋過戶買賣、繼承、贈與、台北市縣銀行貸款,稅務規劃群為您做專業的諮詢與解析,讓忙碌的您省去東奔西跑的寶貴時間,委託金門律師代書聯合事務所做最專業的服務及規劃,達到客戶最大的效益及需求。經驗豐富的律師群提供民事、刑事、行政訴訟、訴願以專精的法律學識,秉持著負責、認真的辦案精神以維護客戶的最大權益為最高宗旨暨其他各項專業法律之服務。曾為多家建設公司辦理建物第一次登記,如:龍田建設 華新開發 員邦建設 易德建設 創新開發 祥盈建設 好樣建設 實踐開發等目前簽訂合作之房屋仲介公司有:中信房屋、住商不動產、21世紀房屋、東森房屋、台灣房屋、嘉禾不動產、全國房屋、安信地產、有巢氏房屋、北縣僑福、海山房屋、鋒巢房屋、BOSS老闆廠辦、安居房屋這些都是對我們最佳服務的最好見證。「堅強團隊 豐富經驗 專業效率 熱誠服務」"歡迎來電免費諮詢,我們將竭誠為您服務"
7-AGE 1.402
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7AGE 基於愛心,愛美,愛地球誕生一個夢想─ 創立『環保、時尚、舒適、平價』的品牌服飾:7AGE堅持使用環保材質;如咖啡渣,竹子、椰子纖維,有機棉去製作出具流行時尚感的服裝。7AGE每一季都會設計新款單品,結合流行時尚和環保。就如約翰藍儂所言:「一個人作的,只是夢想;你我一起做的,才是希望!」。在過度消耗地球的同時,你可以有另一種選擇。希望認同環保的你們,能支持7AGE,喜歡7AGE,擁有7AGE!有機時尚,環保衣起來!7AGE | 單純是種自然的優雅 | www.7-age.com『環保、時尚、舒適、平價』的品牌服飾台北店址 ︳台北市松壽路12號 3F (ATT 4 FUN)台中店址 ︳台中市復興路四段186號6樓之6 ( 新時代購物中心 )桃園店址 ︳桃園市中正路 19號6樓 (新光三越站前店)高雄店址 ︳高雄市左營區高鐵路123號B1樓 (新光三越左營店) *9/1,2012正式開幕公司官網 ︳www.7-age.com客服專線 ︳02.2808.71357AGE based on love,beauty, love the earth give birth to a dream ─ founded "green,stylish, comfortable and affordable" brand of clothing:7AGE insist on using environmentally friendly materials; such ascoffee grounds, bamboo, coconut fiber, organic cotton issue to makesense of fashion clothing. 7AGE new designs each season a singleproduct, combining fashion and environmental protection. As JohnLennon said: "A man made, just a dream; you do with me, is hope!."In the over-consumption of the earth at the same time, you can haveanother option.I hope you agree that environmental protection can support 7AGE,like 7AGE, has 7AGE! Organic fashion, green clothes up!7AGE | simply a kind of natural elegance | www.7-age.com"Environmental, stylish, comfortable, affordable" brandclothingShop _ Song Shou Road, Taipei, Taipei 12 3F (ATT 4 FUN)Fuxing Road, Taichung City, Taichung shop _ 186, Sec 6 (New Mall)6th FloorTaoyuan shop _ 6th Floor, No. 19, Chung Cheng Road, Taoyuan City(Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Zhanqian)Shop _ Kaohsiung Zuoying District, Kaohsiung high-speed railway,No. 123 B1 floor (Shin Kong Mitsukoshi left camp store) * 9/1, 2012officially openedCompany official website _www.7-age.comCustomer Service _02.2808.7135
新移民全球新聞網 1.0.2
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新移民全球新聞APP,搭載新移民普遍使用之智慧型手機,提升本網站之黏著度及新聞傳播廣度,善用網路特性,結合目前最夯之趨勢行銷工具,與移民署共同打造新移民新聞總入口網的目標!多語言APP提供就業輔導之選單,並利用APP之推播功能,提供更快速、更方便求職入口點,在許多研究資料中顯示,新移民利用行動裝置閱報的機率相當高,而新移民可以利用慧型手機養成每日隨時上網看新聞的最佳首選;新移民專屬之APP,除了提供每日新移民相關新聞外,也提供許多生活相關資訊,如本案與1111人力銀行合作,將新移民專屬求職內容,內嵌在APP介面,提高新移民的使用率,藉此提昇本APP之效益Newcomers global newsAPP, equipped with the widespread use of new immigrantssmartphones, enhancing the degree of adhesion of the Website andthe breadth of news dissemination, use the network feature,combined with the trend of marketing tools most ram, and worktogether to build new immigrants Immigration Agency News The totalportal target!Multi-language menu APP provides employment counseling, and theuse of push APP function, providing faster, more convenient entrypoint for job seekers in many research data shows that theprobability of new immigrants read the newspaper's use of mobiledevices is very high, and the new immigrants can Hui phone use todevelop the best choice anytime day watching the news;'s newimmigrants exclusive APP, in addition to providing new immigrantsdaily news, but also provides a number of life-related information,such as the 1111 Job Bank in cooperation with the case, the newimmigrants exclusive job content, embedded in APP interface,improved utilization of new immigrants, in order to enhance theeffectiveness of the APP
TD潮流服飾 1.0.2
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TheDreamers-潮流個性服飾行動購物,讓你隨時隨地都能選購不需要東奔西跑,下雨天也能輕鬆購物隨時掌握流行趨勢任何特價活動都不漏接品牌服飾,多種風格讓你選不完,讓我們一起分享時尚更多優惠FB請搜:TheDreamersLINE請加:@cqt7261s官方網站::www.the-dreamers.net店址:1店: 中壢區實踐路105號 (03)438-25402店: 中壢區實踐路132號 (03)438-3723TheDreamers- trendofpersonalized apparelMobile shopping, so that you can buy anywhereDo not need to run around, rainy days can easily shopKeep abreast of fashion trendsDo not miss any special eventsClothing brands, a variety of styles you can choose, finish,Let us share fashionableMore dealsFB please search: TheDreamersLINE please add: @ cqt7261sOfficial website :: www.the-dreamers.netShop:1 Shop: Practice in Chungli Road District No. 105 (03) 438-25402 Shop: Practice Zhongli District Road 132 (03) 438-3723
台北網路扶輪社 4.1.3
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歡迎加入台北網路扶輪社E-Club,願透過網路結識更多優質菁英,一同創造不一樣的扶輪社。只要您願意加入,改變扶輪的新力量在你我手中,您的支持與鼓勵是我們台北網路扶輪社E-Club進步的動力。籌備一個新社不容易,需要肯付出敢夢想,更需要很多協調。但最重要的是人,找一群志同道合的人一起發揮創新精神,創造一個有效率有理想,重視健康,友誼,創新,服務的社團。一同成就我們的理想,做我們想做的服務,如果您認同我們的理念?那您就是我們要找的人...台北網路扶輪社E-Club誠摯邀請您加入我們的團隊創社社長 陳月卿 CP Grace
何文藻皮膚科診所暨醫學美容中心 4.0.2
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何文藻醫師‧中華民國皮膚科專科醫師‧新加坡國家皮膚病中心進修研究‧韓國KCCS整型美容外科進修研究‧美國皮膚科醫學會年會進修研究‧前馬來西亞星洲日報美膚專欄作者‧前馬紹爾醫療團皮膚科醫師‧前聖多美普林西比醫療團遠距諮詢專家‧前台北榮民總醫院內科部醫師‧前台北市立萬芳醫院皮膚科住院醫師‧前衛生部立雙和醫院皮膚科兼任主治醫師電話:02-26084383 地址:新北市林口區仁愛路二段269號E-mail:derm.administration@gmail.comCopyright © 2013 何文藻皮膚科診所暨醫學美容中心.Ho Man Cho, MD‧ Republic dermatology specialist‧ Singapore National Education Research Center of Dermatology‧ Korea KCCS surgical cosmetic surgery research studies‧ American Academy of Dermatology EducationResearchConference‧ skin before Malaysia Sin Chew Daily columnist‧ dermatologist before Marshall Medical Corps‧ Medical Corps before Sao Tome and Principe remoteconsultingexperts‧ front of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital, DepartmentofMedicine, MD‧ former Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospitaldermatologyresidency‧ stand before the Ministry of Health and the HospitalDermatologyserve dual physicianTel :02 -26,084,383 Address: Linkou District, New Taipei City,RenaiRoad, Sec 269 E-mail: derm.administration @ gmail.comCopyright © 2013 Ho Man Cho Dermatology Clinic andMedicalCentre.
放鬆瑜珈(Fun Song Yoga) 1.401
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吳昱昌醫師 4.1.2
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吳昱昌 醫師 Dr. Eason【萬吳Eason】.專為型男靚女打造萬無一失的美與自信.台灣微整形口碑.專長:玻尿酸及肉毒注射、3D聚左旋乳酸、埋線拉提、雷射…等【經歷】現任板橋信德診所醫學美容部院長現任西門町絕色整形醫美中心醫學美容部主任現任北投原創美學診所微整形皮膚部主任前 桃園采欣醫學美容診所副院長前 東區漂亮整形外科醫學美容部主治醫師前 新店晶漾皮膚科附設醫學美容診所主治醫師前 中和晶樣皮膚科附設醫學美容診所主治醫師前 松山信合美皮膚科診所特約主治醫師前 板橋信合美皮膚科診所特約主治醫師高雄醫學大學醫學系醫學士
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門德揚拍賣股份有限公司係由文史教育學者陳國恩先生於2012年台北成立,陳董事長現擔任中華數位內容發展協會理事長,亦榮獲中國龍騰榜中國文物與藝術品百名收藏家之列。  於藏家界享譽多年的陳董事長,以精實的鑑賞力、及對文化藝術的深厚內涵,在兩岸三地眾藏家們的信任與支持下,匯集了中國銅鎏金佛像、銅器、玉器與木雕文房百件等的高文化質量品項,期望為台灣藝術界注入一股嶄新動能,並全力展現文化創意產業的軟實力。  陳董事長秉持著「拍賣古物最重要除了要真,更需要深厚的文化底蘊支撐」的信念,向全球各界徵集獨特稀有文物,自籌備期間即敬邀產、官、學界各領域鑑定專家共同制定嚴謹的審核流程,同時以「誠信為經,美學為緯」的原則,建立起門德揚拍賣股份有限公司此國際化專業藝術品拍賣平台,俾使所有物件的廣度及深度皆符合門德揚拍賣對於「物真」、「品美」、「質精」之要求,也將定期每年兩次舉辦春季及秋季大型拍賣會,更會不定期舉辦小型主題拍賣會及各項藝術文化活動,提供客戶最尊榮優質且專業的服務。  「門德揚」之名取自Mandarin,內涵意旨「Moral + Adventure + Native + Deepen+Art + Real + International+Nice」。自許以「道德」作為專業保證;以「冒險」作為創意態度;以「深耕」作為學步累積;以「藝術」作為文化準則;以「真實」作為審件標準;以「國際化」作為經營視野;以「親切」作為核心服務。門德揚期許以此精神作為宗旨開創一個嶄新的格局,除了提供各界藏家及文藝愛好者一個藝術交流平台外,更欲邀您一同享受其背後所蘊含豐富且深刻的文化價值。
聯豐禮儀 1.0.4
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潔柔皂皂屋 4.1.4
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小不點の結緣御守*潔柔皂皂屋:手工皂販賣&教學*幸運草日文工作室:日文口譯.翻譯&日語教學,希望有機會為您服務。*柔寶貝:帶給我們幸福歡樂可愛的小天使,快樂成長日記。看似平凡,卻擁有強大的意志力、爆發力讓人捉模不定,印象深刻,也驚訝不絕小不點の結緣御守在此希望與各位朋們結好緣,彼此分享喜悅請大家多多支持,謝謝。There are smallpointbecome attached to Yu Shou* Clean soft soap soap house: Handmade trafficking&Teaching* Clover Japanese Studio: Japanese interpreters &Japaneseteaching, hope to have the opportunity to serve you.* Soft baby: bring us joy and cute little angel, happy growthdiary.Seem trivial, but it has a strong willpower, explosiveCatch people die indefinite impressed, but also surprisednotabsolutelyThere are small point become attached to Yu ShouIn this hope with you friends who bear good margin, with eachotherto share the joyPlease support, thank you.
馳加快報 1.399
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  米其林輪胎於西元1972年在台灣的歷史,當時的忠欣公司成為米其林集團台灣區的代理商,進口銷售米其林輪胎。西元1999年7月,米其林集團正式進入台灣,併購了當時的忠欣公司輪胎事業部而成立米其林忠欣股份有限公司,在台北汐止設立總公司,讓台灣消費者開始能夠與國外的消費者一般享用高品質高性能的輪胎產品。  為了更進一步的讓台灣消費者能夠享有更高品質且更卓越的汽車保養服務經驗,2008年10月更成立了「TYREPLUS馳加汽車服務中心」零售網路。其服務不僅僅只是輪胎產品的更換,同時也包含了機油、煞車系統以及其他的相關汽車產品,讓消費者享有全方位的服務。  “馳加快報”(IFocus)主要為米其林台灣總公司與經銷商的聯繫溝通橋樑,自從08年成立了馳加汽車服務中心之後,始終沒有一個主要的管道與經銷商傳達訊息,其內容包含介紹IFocus的誕生、新店開發、心情故事分享以及介紹與經銷商息息相關的MARS營運系統希望。藉由馳加快報(IFocus)的成立,可以讓訊息的傳達更順暢,讓彼此的聯繫更為緊密。Michelin tires inTaiwan'shistory in AD 1972, when the company became the MichelinGroup ZhongXin Taiwan agents, import sales of Michelin tires. ADJuly 1999,officially entered the Taiwan Michelin Group, acquiredthe companyat the time of Zhong Xin tire division set up metersfrom its 林忠欣Co., Ltd., set up headquarters in Taipei Xizhi, sothat Taiwanconsumers began to work with foreign consumersgenerally enjoyHigh-quality high-performance tires.To further allow consumers to enjoy a higher quality ofTaiwan'smore remarkable experience in the automotive maintenanceservices,in October 2008 also set up a "TYREPLUS Chi plus autoservicecenter" retail network. Their service is not just theproduct ofreplacement tires, but also contains oil, brake systemsand otherrelated automotive products, so that consumers enjoy thefull rangeof services."Chi accelerate the newspaper" (IFocus) mainly MichelinTaiwanCorporation and dealer contact bridges, established since2008 Chiplus auto service center, never a major pipeline to conveythemessage with the dealer, whose content includes introductionIFocusbirth, new store development, mood and introduce the story tosharewith dealers closely related to the MARS operating systemhope. ByChi accelerate reported (IFocus) was established, allowingmessagesto convey more smoothly, more closely linked to eachother.
新北市房地產交易安全協會 1.399
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本協會以推廣新北市房地產交易安全事項、減少房地產交易糾紛、促進房地市場健全發展與房地產相關人才訓練培養為宗旨。本協會之任務如下:一、 推廣並普及房地產交易安全觀念及知識。二、 宣導並促進房地產交易安全資訊流通,減少房地產交易糾紛。三、 從事不動產交易安全研究。四、 與國內外房地產相關團體業務聯繫、聯誼、觀摩、合作事項,並擴大國際友誼、交流、經濟發展。五、 關於會員或社會公益事項之舉辦發展。六、 關於會員合法權益之維護事項。七、 研究並提供政府或相關單位修訂不動管理相關法令之建議。八、 其他法令規定應辦理事項。九、辦理不動產經紀人、營業員、地政士、及相關從業人員等之各項專業訓練、專業證照訓練、換照訓練、在職訓練、職前訓練及相關證照考試輔導。十、 協助對房地產相關產業有興趣之失業者所需之就業技能訓練。十一、其他與本會宗旨有關及其他法令規定之各項任務。The Association topromotesafety issues, New Taipei City real estate transactions,real estatetransactions to reduce disputes, and promote thehealthy developmentof real estate market, real estate-relatedpersonnel training andtraining for the purpose.    The Association's mission isasfollows:First, to promote and popularize the concept of securityandknowledge of the real estate transaction.Second, advocacy and promotion of real estate transactionssecurethe flow of information, reduce real estatetransactiondisputes.Third, engage in real estate transactions security research.Fourth, domestic and foreign real estate-relatedorganizationsbusiness contacts, networking, observation, andcooperation issuesand the expansion of international friendshipexchanges andeconomic development.Five members on the organizing charity events orsocialdevelopment.Six members of the legitimate interests with respect tomaintenanceissues.Seven, or related research and provide government units do notmovemanagement proposals to amend the relevant lawsandregulations.Eight other laws and regulations should be handled matters.Nine, for the real estate broker, salesperson, Landsdisabilities,and related employees, etc. of various professionaltraining,professional certification training, license renewaltraining, jobtraining, pre-employment training and relatedcertificationexam.Ten, employment skills training needed to help the realestaterelated industries of the unemployed who areinterested.Eleven other tasks with the purpose of the Council andotherrelevant provisions of the Act.
絢彩美甲美睫館 4.1.2
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絢彩美甲美睫館的app! 美甲美睫線上預約! 方便又快速!最新消息及活動款式都看得到!讓您在家也可以在絢彩!Gorgeous naileyelashesMuseum app! Nail eyelashes online booking! Convenient andfast!News & Events styles are visible! Allows you at home canalsoGorgeous!
嘉美媞時尚醫美診所 4.0.2
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嘉美媞時尚醫美診所Kamei Ti fashionbeautyclinic doctor
NIA APP VN 4.1.1
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新移民全球新聞APP,搭載新移民普遍使用之智慧型手機,提升本網站之黏著度及新聞傳播廣度,善用網路特性,結合目前最夯之趨勢行銷工具,與移民署共同打造新移民新聞總入口網的目標!多語言APP提供就業輔導之選單,並利用APP之推播功能,提供更快速、更方便求職入口點,在許多研究資料中顯示,新移民利用行動裝置閱報的機率相當高,而新移民可以利用慧型手機養成每日隨時上網看新聞的最佳首選;新移民專屬之APP,除了提供每日新移民相關新聞外,也提供許多生活相關資訊,如本案與1111人力銀行合作,將新移民專屬求職內容,內嵌在APP介面,提高新移民的使用率,藉此提昇本APP之效益Newcomers global newsAPP,equipped with a new immigrant widespread use of smart phones,toenhance the adhesion of this website and the news spreadbreadth,use Internet features, combined with the trend most ram ofmarketingtools, and work together to build new ImmigrationImmigration NewsTotal Portal goal!Multilingual APP provide employment counseling the menu, andusepush APP function, providing faster and more convenient jobentrypoint, in many research data shows that the probability ofnewimmigrants read in the newspaper of the use of mobile devicesisvery high, and the new immigrants can Hui phone use to developthebest choice for daily read the news online at any time; and thenewimmigrants Exclusive APP, in addition to providing newdailyimmigration news, but also provide a lot oflife-relatedinformation, such as the case in cooperation with the1111 JobBank, to new immigrants Exclusive job content, embedded inAPPinterface, improve the utilization of new immigrants, as toenhancethe efficiency of the APP
食尚台北遊 4.1.3
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  食尚台北遊,是以長青管理顧問公司目前旗下五家旅店為中心,提供旅客大台北地區好吃、好玩的即時資訊,除了固定的店家場所及旅遊景點介紹外,並能即時將最近大台北地區的活動訊息、交通資訊提供給所有使用者。  針對旅宿者,目前提供五家優質旅店,分別分怖在台北市中心的中山區、新北市中心的板橋區以及最多名勝古蹟的淡水區,各具其獨有的特點,也都位處交通便利的捷運站附近,是旅宿者的好選擇。  當然各館除提供最新旅遊資訊外,也隨時會提供給旅客各館最即時的優惠方案,希望帶給每個旅客更方便且更輕鬆的優質旅遊服務。Food is stillTaipeitravel, based Evergreen Management Consultants Companycurrentlyfive hostels in the center, the greater Taipei areaoffersdelicious, fun real-time information, in addition to a fixedplaceof shops and tourist attractions outside, and instantly therecentlarge Event Calendar Taipei area, the traffic informationavailableto all users.For Travelodge who currently provide five high-qualityhotel,were divided terror in mountainous central Taipei, the newTaipeiItabashi Center and freshwater area most places of interest,eachwith its unique characteristics, are also located inconvenienttransportation near the MRT station, is a good choice forthose whoTravelodge.Of course, the museum in addition to providing the latesttravelinformation, but also ready to offer to the visitors ofthemuseum's most immediate discount program, hoping to bringmoreconvenient and easier each guest's Quality TourismServices.
BNI新都心分會 4.4.3
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如果您身處商界,那麼對您來說BNI就像是一個源源不斷地為您公司提供業務的系統。BNI的組織哲學建立在「付出者收穫」的概念上:若您提供生意機會給別人,別人自然也會介紹生意給你。BNI的任務為透過分會之組織架構、以正面的力量、與專業的「口碑式」引薦,幫助會員增加生意機會,並讓會員們能發展出長期、有意義的商務專業領域之人際網絡。加入BNI就如同擁有許多業務銷售人員替您工作,因為所有BNI會員均隨身攜帶著名片。當會員遇到某些可能使用你的產品或服務的人時,他們就會拿出您的名片並推薦您。就是這麼容易!而如此輕鬆容易的引薦方法就是基於BNI的創辦人IvanMisner博士所提出並經過證實的概念,稱之為「付出者收穫」。假如我給了你生意機會,而你也會提供適當的生意給我,進而創造出雙贏的局面。成為BNI的會員,就好像有一支出色的銷售團隊為您效勞。經過統計,2010年BNI的會員們引薦了超過650萬宗業務,其總價值超過30億美元。這裡是新北市最大分會:BNI新都心分會,歡迎您。If you're inbusiness,then BNI is like for you a steady stream of business foryourcompany's system.BNI's organizational philosophy based on the concept of "paybythe harvest" is: If you provide business opportunities toothers,they will naturally introduce business to you.BNI's mission is through the club's organizationalstructure,with positive force, and professional "word of mouthtype"referrals to help members increase business opportunities andallowmembers to develop a long-term, meaningful interpersonalnetworkbusiness areas of specialty.Join BNI just as with many business sales work for you,becauseall BNI members have to carry the famous piece. Whenmembersencounter some might use your product or service, they willcome upwith your business card and recommend you. Is so easy! Andso easyone referral method is based on the Dr. Ivan Misner, founderof BNIraised and proven concept, called "pay by the harvest." If Igaveyou a business opportunity, and you will provide theappropriatebusiness to me, and then create a win-win situation.Become a member of BNI, as if there is an outstanding salesteamfor you.Statistically, 2010 BNI referral of members more than 6.5millionbusiness, the total value of over 3 billion US dollars.Here is the new Taipei biggest clubs: BNI Shintoshin club,you'rewelcome.
輔仁輔人 4.1.2
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輔仁輔人Fu Jen Catholicpeople
履保自售網 1.29.1
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隨著經驗分享經濟的崛起,車子空著產生了Uber,房子空著產生了Airbnb,專業的地政士閒著產生【OpenHouse】,不動產交易的高額價金,容易被歹徒覬覦,產生詐騙事件,在「交易安全」的前提下,配合中國信託商業銀行履約保證,我們願意提供即時、免費、專業地政服務,讓消費者的買賣交易房屋過程免於擔心、恐懼詐騙,達成「網路自售不用怕,交易安全我最大」。面臨房地產的不景氣,我們可以選擇縮小作業規模樽節成本;相反的,我們選擇勇敢面對分享專業、即時服務,更重要的是銷售平台的刊登,完全免費服務。基於「交易安全」的考量,我們提醒買方不做履約保證請不要買;同時敬告賣方不做履約保證該交易平台恕不接待。With the economic rise ofthe sharing of experiences, the car empty produced Uber, emptyhouses had Airbnb, professional Lands idle persons produced [OpenHouse], the high price of gold real estate transactions, and easyto be coveted by criminals, resulting in fraud, under the"transaction security" premise, with the China Trust commercialBank performance bond, we are willing to provide immediate, free,Lands professional services to the process of buying and sellinghouses consumers from worry, fear of fraud, to reach "the web fromthe sale without fear, my biggest transaction security. "Facing the real estate downturn, we can choose to shrink the sizeof the job Bottle festival costs; on the contrary, we have chosento brave share expertise, prompt service, and more importantlysales platform is published, totally free service.Based on "transaction security" considerations, we do remind thebuyer, do not buy performance bonds; at the same time advise theseller makes the performance bond trading platform will not bereceived.
客服系統 1.12.5
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開店通 2.29.1
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芸享科技提供給pos客戶專用管理行動APP 目前功能包括 ●點餐 ●盤點 ●看帳
元三汽車 1.2.2
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新北市中和元三SKODA/VW 原廠授權服務廠提供便利預約進廠